DUMBEA New-Caledonia (France) - 2019
General presentation
Contexte & enjeux
The architectural approach is anchored in a shared and multiple urban discourse, presenting a succession of distinct volumes, with varied vocabularies and different uses.
The maximum height of the periscopes is 13 metres. They form a characteristic, recognisable and unique call sign in the landscape.
They are also light wells for the necessary light in the centre of the project, in the shopping mall. The shopping centre is a simple block, grouping all the functions of a large surface, open to the mall.
Around it, a succession of smaller volumes are developed, in the image of the islands, with atypical shapes and resolutely welcoming.
Interior design : Partie Commune
Technical descriptive
Creation of a commercial (6500 m²) and leisure centre
Completed in 2019
15,500 m² including 6,500 m² of retail space