GABRIEL PERI ISLET Saint-Martin-d'Hères (France) - 2020
General presentation
Contexte & enjeux
The project is part of a sector undergoing rapid change, with the challenge of imagining a mixed, intense city, adapted to global warming and desirable.
The urban form imagined gives rise to two staggered emergences which benefit from distant views of the great landscape and the surrounding massifs. The programmatic distribution provides for an active base with large windows overlooking the public space, hosting shops and flexible work spaces (coworking, nursery and/or service premises: concierge, DIY workshop, etc.).
Above, intergenerational housing occupies the intermediate floors and benefits from sunny terraces with a balcony overlooking the city. The top floors accommodate different forms of housing to best meet contemporary needs: family housing, self-finished housing, “SmallOffice-HomeOffice” housing.
The external extensions are treated as a low-tech wooden exo-structure (light, modular, biosourced, demountable and reusable structure). The construction method envisaged favours the mutability and reversibility of the building: thanks to a post/slab logic and mantle facades in a light structure, the building will be able to adapt more easily to future destinations and uses. The car park, integrated into the superstructure of the building volume, can be converted into offices or shops according to future needs, thanks to removable slabs. This design logic aims to combat the obsolescence of buildings: they can change to last…
Technical descriptive
Accession housing, active base (shops and offices), superstructure parking
Competition 2020
7 000 m²
Environmental performance
Target E3C1: Bioclimatic approach (compact thermal envelope, through- or bi-orientated housing, solar protection, natural ventilation, etc.)
The heart of the block is planted extensively to combat the urban heat island effect