
LE GRAND AXE – ALLIADE Lyon ( France) - 2022

General presentation

Contexte & enjeux

Adapting its offices to the evolution of its company more than 25 years after its construction is the challenge of this project.
Built in 1994 and enlarged in 2003, the Grand Axe – Alliade Habitat’s head office – is currently undergoing a thorough renovation completed by two “state-of-the-art” extensions in order to meet new needs.
Given the context of the site, the location of the buildings on the edge of the road, the creation of new surface area could only be done in the heart of the block and by raising the height of the initial headquarters in raw concrete, made possible by the change in the PLU.
This delicate work – on an occupied site – required impeccable logistics to ensure that everything went as smoothly as possible.
As the centre of the site was not accessible and the location in the middle of the Gerland district, a metal construction was required.
On the roof, the objective was to create a new, more uniform attic thanks to this new volume, including – among other things – the existing technical rooms and allowing the development of a large terrace.

Technical descriptive


Extension and renovation of the Alliade Habitat headquarters in an occupied site.
On the roof, extension and cladding of the R+7 façade with the creation of a R+8 level
In the heart of the block, creation of an extension on the first floor including a cafeteria on the ground floor and a meeting room on the first floor
Rehabilitation of all levels




Built in 1994, extended in 2003 and rehabilitated in 2022


7 844 m²


5,2 M€ before Tax