LE HAVRE PLATEAU Le Havre (France) - 2024
General presentation
Contexte & enjeux
A series of four buildings faces the new business park in Le Havre. Simple volumes, in the landscape. A game of repetition, highlighted by the reflections in the basin that borders them. The four slightly cantilevered glass prows, occupied by large meeting rooms, punctuate this city entrance sequence.
Between the buildings, the rectilinear pedestrian walkways serve the halls, and continue in the form of pontoons in the basin. The rigour of the design, the subtle repetition of the geometry, finally leads to a kind of evidence: offices at the quay, in connection with nature.
The architecture of the tertiary complex serves this orthonormal landscape pattern. It is in the relationship with water and plants that the quality of the employees’ daily living environment is determined. At lunchtime, people come and sit on the pontoon, feet dangling, and see the sky reflected in the water.
Technical descriptive
Tertiary complex of 4 buildings in le Havre Plateau urban development zone
1st building: completed in 2017
2nd building: under construction. Completion due 2024
8 000 m²
10 M€ before Tax
Environmental performance
Creation of a water area, park and garden