MEDIPOLE GARONNE Toulouse (France) - 2016
General presentation
Contexte & enjeux
In 2010, the SUD agency delivered a clinic whose main activity is orthopaedics, supplemented by an SSR component. Located on the outskirts of Toulouse on a site free of constraints, we proposed a functional H-shaped plan for a sports clinic in the land of Ovalie.
In 2016, the client contacted SUD again to ask for a feasibility study for the extension of its operating theatre, to reorganise the outpatient department and to give it a new visual identity.
The proposed organisation is based on the implementation of the principles of improved rehabilitation and the standardisation of patient care protocols. The forward march, valid for all, inpatients and outpatients.
A single pre-operative reception, an identical pathway for all patients, different orientation only at the exit of the SSPI towards : hospitalization beds, ambulatory boxes or exit lounges.
Sud brings a new image through a differentiated architecture of the entrance in coherence with the new patient pathway set up.
Technical descriptive
Construction of a medical-surgical clinic with 177 beds and places
Completed in 2016
14 500 m² / SDO – Extension surface : 20 500 m² / SDO