
MEDIPOLE LYON Lyon (France) - 2018

General presentation

Contexte & enjeux

A unique formula, the Medipôle clinic superimposes the activities of 7 health establishments in the Lyon region on 7 levels. Three large houses set on a base formed by the technical platform house the accommodation. The architecture reflects the image of the Maison Hospital in line with the future of the post-industrial “bon coin” district of Villeurbanne.

An avant-garde building, the façades of the “Maisonnées” are made of insulated prefabricated concrete panels that ensure the durability and thermal protection of the project.
The grouping of activities makes it possible to provide a complete range of care on a single site.

The programme combines the requirements of two project owners.
Grouping of functions by level:
– A specific technical floor of 11,000 m² grouping together on the same level 01 :
Outpatient reception and surgical hospitalisation D0
Operating sector 27 postoperative rooms (intensive care unit, continuous monitoring, intensive care)
– A Parents and Children Unit on the same level 02 :
Obstetric block and caesarean section
Maternity ward and neonatology department
– An SSR centre: accommodation, functional rehabilitation platform, balneotherapy
– An independent consultation building

Photography : Nicolas Fussler


Technical descriptive


740 beds and places






60 000 m²

Environmental performance

Certivea NF HQE™ certification


Maitres d’ouvrage : RESAMUT et CAPIO
Mandataire de la maitrise d’œuvre : ARTELIA
Architecte : SUD Architectes
BE Structure : ILLIADE
Entreprises générales : Bouygues Bâtiment Sud Est et Citinéa